
121000 Threadformers - Hex & Hex Seal

121000 Threadformers - Hex & Hex Seal

These screws are designed for use in thick steel or blind holes in excess of the drilling capacity of a SteelMates® or a SteelMates® Super 500™ self-drilling screw. The Hex Washer head provides a heavy duty, stable driving fixing with a wide surface clamping area. Available assembled with EPDM Cut washers for roofing applications. For details on the correct size hole to drill for your specific application please refer to the Installation Instructions or IDEAL Fasteners technical data section.

The recommended hole diameters for these 14g-20 screws varies dependent upon the total thickness of materials being fastened into.
As an example:-
For 60% thread engagement in 9.0mm steel or blind holes the recommended drill size is 5.8mm diameter whilst for 90% thread engagement in 1.27mm steel the recommended drill size is 5.6mm diameter.
Several factors may require a variation from the recommended hole sizes when using ThreadFormers™ in different applications and these include:-
• higher steel thicknesses
• harder steels
• tolerances on hole diameters and irregular shaped holes
• the choice of % of thread engagement (which is at the installers/manufacturers discretion)
In these cases it is recommended for a pre-test to be conducted to confirm the most suitable hole size and type for your specific application.
The pre-test should involve several hole sizes being tested using a capture method whereby holes that are too large can be identified by having too low a driving torque and holes that are too small will have too high a driving torque and may stall the screwdriver, snap the screw or cause operator injury.

For further details on the correct size hole to drill for your specific application please refer to IDEAL Fasteners technical data section.
• Ideal for use in crest fixing roofing profiles to heavy steel purlins in re-roofing of older buildings
• Can be used for fastening timber or metal battens to heavy steel
• Also suitable for fixing brackets, signs, hose reels, equipment etc to heav
Size Coating Pack Type 520 Y Thread Length (TL) 530 Y Driver Tool Code
14g-20 x 50mm Hex
14g-20 x 50mm Hex Seal