
170550 Stainless TimberMates® - Bugle Rib Head

170550 Stainless TimberMates® - Bugle Rib Head

Stainless TimberMates® feature a Type 17 self-drilling point for drilling into timber. Manufactured from 304 grade Stainless Steel these screws are for fixing to timber in highly corrosive environments where a long life fastener is required. They feature a 5mm Internal Hex (Allen Key) drive & a self-countersinking Bugle Rib head making them very easy to drive & countersink. Best driven with a high torque, low speed power drill.

1/ Ensure the correct driver tool is fitted to your power drill or screw driver.
2/ Place the screw on the driver tool and position it onto the materials being fastened.
3/ If necessary push sharply to create a centre mark and to prevent screw wander.
4/ Squeeze trigger and maintain steady, constant pressure until the screw has drilled and fastened.
Recommended Driving speed is approximately 800~1,000 r.p.m. Best driven with a high torque, low speed power drill.
• Ideal for fixing timber to timber in pergolas, outdoor furniture, timber boardwalks etc. in highly corrosive environments
• Beach front buildings, seating and infrastructure
• Also ideal for a multitude of applications fixing to timber or timber t
Size Pack Type 480 Y Material 510 Y Rec. Embedment in Timber 520 Y Thread Length (TL) Code
14g-10 x 50mm
14g-10 x 75mm
14g-10 x 100mm